

Automatic backtucker that Automates the entire back tacking process for under-sleeve and side seams.
Contributes to improved productivity without compromising the beautiful finish.

  • Easy operation similar to normal overlocking
  • Ensure secure back-tacking. More stable and beautiful finish without compromising product quality
  • SC18 self cleaning system prevents oil stain and decrease the downtime for cleaning

Automated Back-tacking process

Yamato ABT enables real quick back-tack procedure for you to operate like usual overlock with chain cutter only.

As the thread chain is wrapped by the seam, without being interfered by needle threads, much less risk for failure is expected.


Ensure secure back-tacking

abt303 (1).png

Even with short SPI, Chain is securely included in a seam.

More consistent beautiful finish that does not compromise product quality.

Improved work environment and reduced cleaning downtime

SC18 "Self Cleaning System"


SC18 is the Self Cleaning System for overlock & safety stitch machines that prevents oil stain by greasy dust.



SC18 eliminates accumulating of dust around the lower knife and the area under stitch plate and ensures clean operation environment.

AZ8000SD-8_SC18_wSC@3x.png AZ8000SD-8_SC18_woSC@3x.png
ABT30 includes SC18 and a compact servo motor in the package.